Rating of Experts Appeared in Yandex.Q

Yandex.Q is launching a rating of professional reputation. It shows how much the expert community trusts the specialist who publishes the answers on the service. Highly rated experts will get more audience attention, and readers will find it easier to find verified information.

The rating is assigned to users who have answered a sufficient number of questions and received the status of an expert. Yandex.Q calculates their rating on a ten-point scale – based on the number of answers that the professional community has recognized as reliable.

It also takes into account how a person verifies other people’s answers. You can find out your rating in your personal account on the service. Later, it will be available to all users, and Kew will publish the lists of the best specialists.

Tonya Samsonova, Q Service Manager has been quoted via the Yandex Press Service:

Usually Internet services evaluate content by the number of likes, views or reach, but these metrics do not say anything about the quality of the information that the author is distributing. Professionals who publish reliable facts should not compete with those who know how to gain views, but do not understand the topic. Kew’s job is to give users information they can trust. Expert rating will become a metric that reflects the quality of information. It will help bloggers earn the trust of the audience, employers, professional communities and advertisers – to assess the level of a specialist, and Internet services – to rank information.

The premiere of Albina Mokhryakova ‘s documentary “Truth or Dare”, which was screened yesterday, is timed to coincide with the launch of the rating.

In it, the author understands how false information appears and spreads. After watching, scientists, platform leaders and journalists discussed how to improve the quality of the content of information services. The film can be viewed on the YouTube channel Yandex.Q and on KinoPoisk.

Dan Taylor
Dan Taylor is an experienced SEO consultant and has worked with brands and companies on optimizing for Russia (and Yandex) for a number of years. Winner of the inaugural 2018 TechSEO Boost competition, webmaster at HreflangChecker.com and Sloth.Cloud, and founder of RussianSearchNews.com.