“ya.ru” Will Become The New Main Page Of Yandex

Yandex will develop ya.ru as its new main page. After the transaction for the sale of media assets – Zen and News – is closed, ya.ru will become the main entry point to Search, Mail, and other company services, including the Yandex ID user’s personal account. The company will also release a new Yandex application with Alice for Android.

The core of the new homepage and new app will be Search. 

On ya.ru, users will have access to a universal search – to search for anything anywhere, search verticals – to find, for example, pictures or products, and Alice – to quickly get answers. 

You can already see what the new main page will look like on new.ya.ru.

Dan Taylor
Dan Taylor is an experienced SEO consultant and has worked with brands and companies on optimizing for Russia (and Yandex) for a number of years. Winner of the inaugural 2018 TechSEO Boost competition, webmaster at HreflangChecker.com and Sloth.Cloud, and founder of RussianSearchNews.com.