Yandex Zen’s Video Blogging Course – стопснято estimated (in 2019) that video content could be a key driver in user acquisition and conversion by as much as 80% by 2021, and Yandex Zen’s actions seem to be reinforcing this market prediction.

To encourage video content on Zen, Yandex has launched the стопснято (Stop Taken) program.

The video blogging course covers:

  • how to prepare for shooting
  • how to write a script
  • how to equip a studio
  • how to shoot
  • how to mount a video

Those partaking in the program will be rewarded with channel and content impressions.

Recently, Yandex also announced the Zen Aurora program to encourage new channels and new Zen bloggers.

Dan Taylor
Dan Taylor is an experienced SEO consultant and has worked with brands and companies on optimizing for Russia (and Yandex) for a number of years. Winner of the inaugural 2018 TechSEO Boost competition, webmaster at and Sloth.Cloud, and founder of