If you would like to write for RSN or purchase a sponsored post if you have a tool or service you wish to promote, please review the below guidelines and submission methods. This page details content guidelines, your rights, and our submission process.

First and foremost, RussianSearchNews.com is designed to be an objective reporting news-site, and bring the latest news and information relating to Yandex and Russian search.

We do, however, accept unique guides and insight posts into optimizing for Yandex and/or general Russia focused marketing insight.

Please read this page, and terms in full. It will likely answer most questions in relation to article topic, terms, and how to submit.

This page will tell you:

  • The article topics and themes that are accepted as submissions
  • The website’s publishing schedule
  • Editorial guidelines in relation to article format
  • Russian Search New’s stance of paid for publications and sponsored articles
  • Our editorial content disclaimer, and your rights
  • What happens once a post has been submitted, and what to expect
  • How to submit a post

Accepted Article Topics

This is a niche website. All articles must relate to the Russian digital market, whether it be Google in Russia, Yandex, or digital trends in Russia.

Examples of articles, and themes, likely to be accepted include:

  • X ways the Russian market in [sector] has changed
  • How to create an effective [chatbot] strategy for Russia
  • X tactics for ecommerce optimization in Russia
  • Case Study: An analysis of [brand]’s organic search strategy in Russia

Articles likely to not be accepted include:

  • General SEO articles not related to Yandex or Google Russia
  • General articles promoting a product/brand/company
  • General marketing articles without a Russian market focus

General marketing articles for general Top X things articles won’t be read past the first few lines, and will be rejected. Likewise, if the article is reviewing or promoting a product, this will fall under the category of sponsored sponsored post.

Once You’ve Submitted Your Post

Once you’ve submitted your post, it will be reviewed by the editorial team – and if successful, scheduled as part of our publishing schedule. Once scheduled, you will receive a notification.

Due to the number of link building/spam requests we get, we will not be able to notify you should you post be rejected – we will also not be able to actively discuss or help you define an article topic for one off submissions. If you could like to contribute a series of articles, you will be required to submit your first two upfront.

Publishing Schedule

RussianSearchNews.com staff articles will always be published, at minimum, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Guest submissions will always be publish on a Thursday.

Outside of scheduling, breaking news and other ad hoc articles will be published outside of this schedule.

Publishing Hiatus

Three times a year, RussianSearchNews.com observes a “down” period in both publishing, and publishing non-scheduled content.

These periods are:

  • Christmas (UK)
  • The first two weeks of June
  • The first two weeks of October

During Christmas, there is a period of ~10 days with no publishing occurring.

The exact time period is always defined by a blog post the last Friday before Christmas, with publishing resuming in the first week of January. No articles of any sort are published during this period.

In the first 2 weeks of June and October, all content published during this period is pre-scheduled in advance.

Editorial Article Guidelines

These articles are user-submitted, non-sponsored articles. You will get an author biography, and link to your homepage/socials from the footer.

Acceptance of these articles is wholly at the discretion of the editorial team, as they need to add value to the journal.


  • Use title case in each heading.
  • Run your article through a grammar/spelling checker (American English).
  • Eliminate contractions.
  • Think of appealing visual presentation.  If you feel your post will benefit from additional imagery, add it – but don’t make the whole article a single infographic.
  • All guest authors must be genuine and identifiable – e.g. real photo, real name, real social media links…


  • Include multiple self-promotional links. Links to relevant resources are fine, but if they are your own resources – it must be disclosed.
  • Submit an article covering the same topic information that already exists on RussianSearchNews.com.
  • Submit an article that has been published elsewhere previously.
  • Publish the same article on other websites within 21 days of publication on RussianSearchNews.com.
  • Excessively bold keywords, or add links in bold, or add links in headers.

By submitting an editorial article, you agree irrevocably to our user-submitted content disclaimer.

User Submitted Content Disclaimer

By posting or uploading any User Content to this Site and/or providing any communication or material to RussianSearchNews.com you automatically and irrevocably:

  1. Grant and assign to RussianSearchNews.com a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to any and all rights in the User Content including without limitation all copyright, together with all consents (if any) necessary to enable its reproduction, distribution, modification, publishing and/or other use and exploitation including the creation of derivative works, by RussianSearchNews.com and/or by any person authorized by RussianSearchNews.com, by any means and in all media now known or hereafter devised, without payment or other reference to you or any other person, and to advertise and promote such exploitation, for the full period of all such rights (together with any extensions and renewals) and insofar as possible in perpetuity;
  2. Warrant that you are the owner of the User Content or has a right to grant us rights specified hereinabove and entitled to enter into this Policy;
  3. Confirm that no such User Content will be subject to any obligation, of confidence or otherwise, to you or any other person and that RussianSearchNews.com shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of such User Content.

User Content means any content you post, upload or otherwise make available on our Sites, including information, text, graphics, photos or other materials.

This disclaimer supersedes any other agreement made in relation to contributing an article to RussianSearchNews.com.

Sponsored Articles & Advertising

Sponsored & Partnership Posts/Brought To You By

This site runs two forms of promotional posts, both are declared by “Brought to you by”.

There will also be a declaration in the post itself. An example can be found here.

Brought To You By

The team here at Russian Search News processes a lot of data for our studies. If you think your tool would help with that process, in exchange for tool usage – we will use the tool and articles published using the data will receive the brought to you by disclaimer.

These are links from the article and main news feed to your tool, as well as prominent branding. For example:

Sponsored Posts

All sponsored posts must follow the guidelines laid out in the editorial articles section.

When making contact, you must disclose the company and sector that you’re wanting to build links to.

The editorial team reserve all rights to make amends to the submitted article including anchor text, links, linking frequency.

Sponsored posts links will have rel=”sponsored” declared, and editorial posts will not, as one is a genuine article, and the other has been sponsored.

Submitting A Guest Article

If you’d like to submit a guest post, please select the guest post option from the dropdown, and in the message field insert the Google Doc/Yandex Drive link – please make sure this is accessible to all, so that your article can be reviewed.

By submitting an article, you agree to our User Submitted Content Disclaimer and terms.