Yandex Unveils Major Update to Metrica with New Interface and Dashboard

Yandex has introduced a comprehensive overhaul of its Metrica interface and dashboard, marking the most significant update the service has seen in the last decade. Announced by Yandex Metrica Product Manager Sergei Denisov at the 12th Webmaster conference, the revamp is set to enhance user experience through improved navigation and customizable dashboards.

The update focuses on two main areas: Navigation and the Summary section. The navigation aspect of Metrica has been redesigned to be more compact, facilitating quicker access to frequently used reports which can now be pinned for easy reach. Additionally, users can save custom reports directly to the counter, allowing for easier sharing and utilization among colleagues within the same account.

In transforming the Summary section into a versatile dashboard, Metrica now offers users the ability to create multiple summaries tailored to various tasks. These dashboards boast enhanced flexibility, granting users the freedom to customize widget visualizations and groupings according to their needs. This level of customization is a leap forward in how data is displayed and interacted with, promising a more intuitive and efficient analytical experience.

This major update to Metrica is available for users to explore in demo access, inviting feedback and enabling users to familiarize themselves with the new interface and its functionalities. Yandex’s commitment to evolving its services to meet the needs of its users is evident in this significant upgrade, aimed at providing a more streamlined, user-friendly platform for web analytics.

The introduction of this updated Metrica interface and dashboard is poised to transform how businesses and individuals alike analyze web data, offering a more tailored and efficient approach to understanding website performance metrics.

Dan Taylor
Dan Taylor is an experienced SEO consultant and has worked with brands and companies on optimizing for Russia (and Yandex) for a number of years. Winner of the inaugural 2018 TechSEO Boost competition, webmaster at and Sloth.Cloud, and founder of