Specialists Gain Direct Access to Help Within Yandex Webmaster

Yandex Webmaster has rolled out a new update allowing specialists to access Help directly within the service interface. This improvement eliminates the need to switch between browser tabs, presenting all crucial information within the same window for ease of use.

Yandex Webmaster Tools, Telegram Post – July 2024

Previously, accessing Help required opening a separate browser tab, complicating situations that necessitated simultaneous use of the Webmaster interface and documentation. The new feature, however, still offers the option to open Help in a separate tab if desired.

This update follows the recent relaunch of the “Links” section in Yandex Webmaster.

Source: Yandex Webmaster channel

Dan Taylor
Dan Taylor is an experienced SEO consultant and has worked with brands and companies on optimizing for Russia (and Yandex) for a number of years. Winner of the inaugural 2018 TechSEO Boost competition, webmaster at HreflangChecker.com and Sloth.Cloud, and founder of RussianSearchNews.com.